Worship: Sundays at 9:30am
There are lots of big words and long sentences we can write. And if you join us on Sunday for worship you'll probably hear some of them. But at the very heart of what we believe is that God loves you. Period. Without condition. Just as you are. Because you're worth it.
Every time we gather for worship, we encounter Jesus in both Word and Sacrament. What does that mean? Well, in Scripture and Preaching, in Prayer and Singing, and in Holy Communion, Jesus comes among us and we are given strength, encouragement, and sustenance for our daily lives.
But Jesus also comes among us when we are together: in fellowship, in outreach and service, in conversations, and in the world.
A lot of who are are as Church was shaped thousands of years ago: our faith, our worship, our creeds, our sacraments. But it didn't stop! Throughout the history of the Church, the Spirit continues to sing life into the Church. Music and art, teachings and great acts of justice have come from the Church. Our own Martin Luther (founder of the Lutheran Church) lived 500 years ago and wanted the Church to always be reforming--always growing deeper, farther, wider, broader as disciples. But it still didn't stop! Into our own day, the Spirit sings life into the Church calling for great acts of witness to the good news of God at work in the world. Prophets and martyrs are still standing up in the world to speak of God's love and justice...and we're called to be a part of that!
There is so much more we could say about what we believe. We love to talk about our faith. We welcome big questions. And we leave room to wonder and even doubt together. If you would like a more formal explanation of some Lutheran beliefs, check out the ELCA's page by clicking the button!
Christ Ascension is:
Gathered by God in Faith.
Proclaiming Christ's Hope.
Sent by the Spirit to Love.