Worship: Sundays at 9:30am
Welcome to Christ Ascension Preschool - an early education center with the support and ministry of the
Christ Ascension Lutheran Church.
We are rooted in the worth and dignity of God's children of all ages,
and in the belief that learning happens through fun and play.
Christ Ascension Preschool serves families with children aged 15 months through threes (turning four)
with a curriculum-based program of hands on learning, fun, creativity, and growth.
As Pastor Janet says, "Choosing to be Christian in our time and place
means opening our senses to the wonder of God's creation around us" -
to fruit growing on our garden's trees; butterflies and bees; flowers and cherry tomatoes.
It means that children learn about God's love for them,
and about how to live and love as part of the beautifully diverse humanity we are all a part of.
While we do have story time with Pastor Janet weekly,
and are an integral part of the ministry of Christ Ascension Lutheran Church,
we are a Preschool community that is built on mutual respect for one another regardless of faith background.
Please call 215 - 247 - 4233 or email capsdirector@christascension.org to set up a tour with our director, Ms. Kelly!