Worship: Sundays at 9:30am
8300 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118, United States
Monday-Friday 8:00am-12:00pm
CALC belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a national church body of nearly 5 million members in about 10 thousand congregations and ministries.
Through our partnership with the ELCA, CALC supports important work around the globe through: Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS), Lutheran World Relief (LWR), ELCA Advocacy, and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF).
Our Presiding Bishop is The Rev. Elizabeth A Eaton.
Within the ELCA, there are 65 synods or regional groupings of congregations. CALC is part of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod--which is comprised of about 150 congregations in the 5 counties.
Our Bishop is The Rev. Patricia A Davenport.
CALC is proudly a Reconciling in Christ congregation. This means we gladly and lovingly welcome all persons to full participation in our congregation regardless of sexual orientation or gender understanding/expression. RiC is a program of ReconcilingWorks, a network of partner ministries and congregation across the country who believe in full inclusion of all God's children.
Welcome Church is a Lutheran congregation without calls in Philadelphia. Their ministry is by, with, and for those experiencing homelessness in the city. CALC partners with Welcome Church on several projects every year.
Just down the Avenue from CALC is United Lutheran Seminary. CALC has a long and strong history of connection to the seminary. Drawing on history from two historic seminaries in Gettysburg and Philadelphia, ULS offers fantastic theological education for those interested in graduate-level studies.
The Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network serves those experiencing homelessness in NW and NW Philadelphia through temporary shelter in local congregation and meals provided by partners. Several times a year, CALC partners with PIHN to care for those in our neighborhood in need.