Worship: Sundays at 9:30am
In 2016, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly approved a statement to repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery and its effects on Indigenous siblings. We will take a look at what this Doctrine was and is as well as why it is important to study it, learn from it, and repudiate it publicly. We will be using a study guide related to the November 2021 Living Lutheran article “Beyond a Resolution.”
September 12: Columbus’ Discovery
September 19: The Doctrine of Discovery
September 26: Americanized Doctrine
October 3: Long-Term Harm
October 10: ELCA Declaration
October 17: Next Steps
October 24: Your Involvement
Monday School meets on Monday Evenings at 7pm on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 845 3909 5417
Passcode: 8300
We look forward to gathering again to learn and grow as disciples of Jesus.
We gather on Monday Evenings at 7pm on Zoom for Monday School.
We also gather on Wednesday Evenings at 7pm on Zoom for Feasting on the Word Bible Study.
Faith Formation Calendar_22-23 (pdf)
DownloadGood Brews is on hiatus during the Pandemic and until such time as gatherings in restaurants is safe.
We gather on Zoom at 7pm for Evening Prayer. Check out our "We Gather" page for more information. See you there!